Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi - born Andrea Almasi - is a Model American model. In late December 2005, she appeared as a model on NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal as Briefcase Model of the Year. 19. AJ was raised in Hendersonville Tennessee in a sexy "tom boy" sporting glasses and braces. The girl didn't think she could be capable of it, but she is a fan of it. Her family and close friends have told her she is "bubbly" and has the potential to accomplish anything if she is convinced. Almasi changed into a gorgeous, glamorous girl when she moved from Italy to Los Angeles for a modeling as well as acting career. Aj Almasi, who was born Andrea Almasi, was one of 26 briefcase models in the recently launched NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal. Deal or No Deal 2005, Bikini Locations (2003), The Late Late Show which was hosted by Craig Ferguson and The Late Late Show Aj Almasi, is her acting profession. The actress stood up for Briefcase AJ is a model as well as acting. She plans to do so for the rest of her life in L.A.

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